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Beyond Shadow


Released December 2020.



ATGD have a core belief that music is a unifying force celebrating the diversity and fellowship of people from across the world.


With the present physical and geographical distancing of our covid world, the divide is greater and no longer can we take for granted treading the same ground. From our homes we can only surf the virtual ocean to keep those bonds strong.


We may all experience the high moments filled with love laughter and happiness, but there are low times when the challenges we face are tinged with sorrow, fear and uncertainty. We are on this roller coaster individually, as a nation and globally.


Beyond Shadow speaks of the determination, fortitude and power from beyond and from within. When push comes to shove, and life gets really tumultuous, our shadow sides are ultimately revealed.


This album is a timestamp on this era and expresses the way we react when faced with personal, nation and global challenges.


available on Bandcamp

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Released October 2018.


As travellers in music,

may we meet and journey together 

with common understanding,

on our uncommon ground.

Two travellers, one journey, many conversations.


Music is a language and therefore a very powerful tool. As two musicians we met, each with our own paths behind us, Tony with his film production and Americana infused compositions, and Karen with her Scottish and Irish heritage. Seldom do these two genres or instruments meet, yet as one, and with great respect for the other's musical pathway, we converse, to honour the traditional, and create the contemporary,


The musical conversations recorded on this CD, speak of the ancestral depths of the Scottish highlands, (Arran Boat) to the joy of a light summer breeze, (Happy MacHappie), from our response to current affairs, (the Patriot), to the joy of musical friendship (circle of friends), of courage and perseverance (Long she waits) and the joy of family and friends, (Auld Lang Syne) and much more.   


We were very blessed to be joined on ‘UNCOMMON GROUND” with an incredible group of musician friends from New Zealand and across the globe, all who have added their own flavour and interpretation to the tracks. Lindsay Martin (Australia), Jim Perkins (Rarotonga, NZ), Mike Vass (Scotland), Jon Sanders (Ireland and NZ), Yair Katz (Israel),

New Zealanders - James Geluk, Victoria Vigenser, Shimna Higgins, Garrett Evans and our guest of honour Hanna Wiskari-Griffiths (Sweden). Thank you all for walking with us for that time.


Like all things which come together, the road has not always been smooth, but as always, it has made us stronger. We offer these musical conversations and hope they create joy, inspiration and kotahitanga (unity).


With love, Tony & Karen

ATGD CD Booklet 6 Panel Outer FINAL Flat

 available on Bandcamp


Album sampler

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